
Sarawak Natural Forest Certification

Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC)

With Suling-Sela’an-Linau FMU (forest management unit) certified in 2004, Samling Timber Malaysia became the first private company in Malaysia to obtain forest management certification: this was under the national standard, the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) established by the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) prior to its endorsement by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) in 2009.

Ravenscourt FMU was certified in June 2018, Ulu Trusan FMU in December 2018 and Layun FMU in February 2024. The Group has several other FMUs under various stages of preparation for certification under MTCS.

Public Summaries

There is a public summary for each of the forest management plans for the MTCS certified natural FMUs held under licence by Samling Timber Malaysia.

A public summary may be accessed by clicking the relevant link below:

Key Components of Public Summary

Forest Management Objectives

Economic Objectives

Conservation and Protection Objectives

Socio-Economic Objectives


The terms of the Natural Resources and Environment Board’s (NREB) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) certificate requires that Environmental Monitoring Reports (EMR) are prepared by approved 3rd party CBs who will at the same time undertake river water quality monitoring. This is normally done quarterly from a number of predetermined water sampling locations.
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